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Botox for Crow’s Feet Cost in Frederick, Maryland: Is It Worth It?

Botox for Crow's Feet Cost in Frederick

Have you looked in the mirror and noticed fine lines and wrinkles around the outside corners of your eyes? Commonly known as crow’s feet, you don’t have to put up with them.

If you’d rather say goodbye to crow’s feet, Botox is the answer. Let’s take a look at how Botox works, its results, your recovery, and Botox for crow’s feet cost in Frederick, Maryland.

Botox 101: What It Is and How It Works

Botox is a neurotoxin that when injected by a skilled provider, safely diminishes unwanted signs of aging. It works by causing muscles to stop contracting. When that happens, the skin above the muscles relaxes.

The outcome? No more crow’s feet and a younger-looking appearance!

What Can I Expect After My Botox Injections?

Before we discuss Botox for crow’s feet cost in Frederick, Maryland let’s first address the side effects and results. It is possible to experience some swelling and redness around your eyes after your injections.

For results, it only takes a few days. What’s great about this treatment is that your remarkable Botox results last for three to four months or longer!

Let’s Talk Money. What’s Botox for Crow’s Feet Cost in Frederick, Maryland?

Botox is sold in units, and the average cost per unit can range from $10 to $25 per unit. Most patients require at least five units to successfully treat crow’s feet.

Also, your geographic location and the skill of your provider impact your final cost.

Choose Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare for Amazing Botox Results!

At Hagerstown, we strive to provide quality care customized to fit your needs for both medical and cosmetic dermatology.

If you are interested in Botox for crow’s feet or other unwanted signs of aging, contact us at 240-469-4835. We’ll happily schedule your consultation. Be sure to ask about our specials and financing options!