Getting the body of your dreams is a process that takes a lot of work, and it can be pretty discouraging when it doesn’t seem like you’re making any progress.

Sometimes, even with all the diet and exercise in the world, there are spots of fat that just refuse to go away. If you’ve been looking into other ways of reducing body fat, then you’ve probably heard of body contouring.

But what is body contouring specifically and how do you find the best option for you?

What Is Body Contouring?

Body contouring is a general term for any surgical or non-surgical treatment that changes the shape of the body. Contouring can refer to slimming the shape of the body or moving fat to other areas of the body. Sometimes the definition for what constitutes a contouring treatment varies. In the end, body contouring is any type of treatment that alters the current appearance of your body.

How Long Does the Body Contouring Process Last?

Many patients are curious about how long the body contouring process lasts. Here are a few key steps involved in the treatment process:

  • Appointments: The first step in the process is the appointments you attend. The length of time for these appointments varies based on the area being treated and its range. Treatment appointments also vary in time depending on the treatment method, meaning that surgical treatments will typically take longer. For non-surgical treatments, patients can expect to spend about 30 to 60 minutes at each appointment.
  • Initial results: Your initial results are those that are noticeable while you are still in recovery. The initial results typically become visible around the six-week mark, so you should begin to notice long-lasting improvements about one to two months after your treatment.
  • Final results: Your final results are the final, end product of your treatment. When you are fully recovered, your final results are the shape of your body when you resume all normal daily activities. Final results usually are visible about three to six months after your treatment or whenever you are fully recovered from treatment.

How Long Do Results Last?

Results for body contouring treatments can last a very long time, sometimes up to 10 years or more. This type of treatment is considered a permanent solution because once the fat cells are destroyed, they’re gone forever.

The best way to have long-lasting results is to maintain a steady weight and a regular exercise routine after you are recovered. Leading a healthy life with smart lifestyle choices will help the results of your treatment last a lifetime.

Are Follow Up Appointments Needed?

You will likely need at least two or three treatments for the best results. This is because non-surgical treatments have results that build on top of each other, meaning that the results of the first treatment are usually not too obvious until the second treatment has been completed. For non-surgical treatments, it is typical to have semi-regular touch up appointments.

What Is The Recovery Process Like?

Recovery is different based on what kind of treatment you have had. For example, recovery from surgery lasts about one to two months and means a temporary pause on most daily activities, including exercise.

For non-surgical treatments, the recovery period is much shorter, about two to three weeks, and is repeated each time you have a treatment. Recovery time may also depend on the area that is being treated, its size, the technology and method being used, and how quickly you respond to the treatment.

If body contouring sounds like a good option for you, then contact Hagerstown Dermatology and Skincare at (240) 469-4835 to start discussing specific treatment plans for your body’s needs as quickly as possible!