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How Does Microneedling Work with PRP?

How Does Microneedling Work with PRP?

You’ve probably heard of microneedling, and quite possibly you’re familiar with PRP (platelet-rich plasma). Did you know if you combine them, you can have skin rejuvenation beyond your wildest dreams?

Many dermatologists are using this technique because of the amazing results, but how does microneedling work with PRP? Before getting treatment, here’s what you need to know.

What Are the Benefits of Microneedling with PRP?

Before you discover the answer to your question, “How does microneedling work with PRP,” take a look at what it can address. If you have any of the following skincare concerns, you may benefit from microneedling with PRP:

I’m Intrigued! How Does Microneedling Work with PRP?

Microneedling alone involves the use of tiny needles that puncture the skin. During healing, collagen and elastin production are stimulated, both of which are needed for healthy skin.

PRP takes this a step further. When you introduce PRP into the process, you’re introducing important growth factors that heightened the healing process. This provides you with more benefits than you’d have with microneedling alone.

What’s Recovery Like After Treatment?

After microneedling with PRP, you will notice redness, dryness, and some flaking skin. This is all normal and lasts only a few days.

How Long Does Microneedling with PRP Last?

Although your results will not happen overnight, you will notice a gradual change in your appearance over the next few weeks. Your skin will be firmer and smoother. Your complexion will also be brighter. Most patients return for maintenance treatments every six months.

Where Should I Go if I Want the Best Microneedling with PRP Results?

Choose the experts at Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare! With us, you’ll experience quality care and an experience tailored to meet your individual needs.

Contact us at 240-469-4835 to schedule your skin rejuvenation consultation today!