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The Latest Celebrity Facial Secret for You

HydraFacial Frederick

What is the HydraFacial? This new revolutionary in office facial treatment has become incredibly popular across the country.

In fact, did you know that a HydraFacial is performed every 15 seconds across the world?

What Is the HydraFacial?

The HydraFacial is a medical quality resurfacing treatment for the skin on your face.

During this treatment your pores are completely cleaned out leaving your skin feeling rehydrated and looking beautiful.

What Happens During a HydraFacial Treatment?

A HydraFacial treatment happens in four steps.

  1. Cleansing– The treatment begins by removing the dead skin cells and excess oils from your skin.
  2. Exfoliating– Glycolic and salicylic acids are used next to exfoliate and remove any dirt from the pores.
  3. Extracting– The blackheads, oil, dirt and other pollutants are then suctioned out of your skin through the Hydra Peel Tip.
  4. Hydrating– While the bad stuff is being eliminated from your skin, the HydraFacial is simultaneously applying serums to your skin in order to plump and hydrate your face.

What are the Benefits of a HydraFacial Treatment?

A HydraFacial treatment can help your skin in a variety of ways.

The main benefits of the HydraFacial include providing a clearer, brighter and more plump skin appearance.

The HydraFacial can also help to combat the visible signs of aging on the skin including reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

This revolutionary treatment has also been found to promote a more even skin tone and smoother texture in addition to addressing brown spots or enlarged pores on the skin.

What Are the Side Effects?

Side effects of the HydraFacial are minimal with no downtime.

You may experience some redness immediately following the treatment but that should go away shortly.

Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare

If you are interested in receiving a HydraFacial treatment, Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare is here for you.

To schedule your HydraFacial at Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare visit our website today or call us at (240)469-4835.