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Your PRP Specialist in Frederick, Maryland

Your PRP Specialist in Frederick, Maryland

Your PRP Specialist in Frederick, Maryland Wants You to Experience These Incredible Benefits!

Did you know that a PRP specialist in Frederick, Maryland can use nutrients in your own blood to improve the look and feel of your skin?

A PRP facial creates a serum from platelets in blood plasma and injects it back into your skin. Read on to learn about all the great benefits that a PRP specialist, or platelet-rich plasma injector, can provide.

Less Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are very common signs of aging, and the PRP facial helps reduce this sign by encouraging cell turnover with the serum. As the tiny needles penetrate your face, your skin will tighten in response.

Better Hydration

As a result of the skin thickening that comes from this procedure, your skin will be able to hold more moisture. Your skin also becomes more able to absorb and moisturizers that you apply to your skin.

Collagen Production

The needles used in this procedure stimulate the production of collagen in your skin. The PRP serum used in the procedure also stimulates production. Formation of the collagen is what leads to the continuing development of your results.

Less Saggy Skin

Thanks to both the increased collagen production and the micro-injuries caused by the treatment, the treatment area will become plumper. The treatment area can be your whole face or just a small area.

Better Skin Tone

A PRP facial can improve your skin tone by reducing the appearance of acne scars, hyperpigmentation, large pores, and dull skin tones. This is because PRP encourages skin cell turnover.

Meet Your Perfect PRP Specialist in Frederick, Maryland

Join us at Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare to find the PRP specialist you have been searching for. Get all the benefits from PRP from our skilled specialists.

Call us today at 240-469-4835 to make your appointment with the best PRP specialist in Frederick, Maryland, and be sure to ask about our current specials, too!