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Best Fat Reduction Treatments in Hagerstown

Best Fat Reduction Treatments in Hagerstown

What Are The Best Fat Reduction Treatments in Hagerstown That Don’t Require Surgery?

If you have fat pockets you just can’t get rid of, have tried every diet, and are sick of exercising endlessly without losing those last few pounds, you might be ready to give up.

You’ve heard of liposuction, but the idea of going under and having surgery is just not that appealing. Don’t give up, though! Here are some of the best fat reduction treatments in Hagerstown that don’t require surgery.

CoolScultping, SculpSure, Liposuction – How Do They Work?

Looking to reduce fat? Tired of trying diets and exercise only to see no results? There are several options available to you! Liposuction is a commonly known procedure that requires going into surgery where fat is literally suctioned out. The recovery time can be long and painful, and the procedure is usually expensive.

What about non-surgical options? Some of the best fat reduction treatments in Hagerstown require no surgery!

CoolSculpting is a treatment that uses specialized tools to basically freeze targeted fat cells. These cells are then reabsorbed into your body. CoolSculpting is great, but it has its limitations and might not be the best option if you have fatty areas that the tools can’t target.

SculpSure is another non-surgical option to reduce fat by using laser treatment. Similar to CoolSculpting, targeted fat cells are killed by the laser and then absorbed into the body. But wait, there’s an even better option than CoolSculpting and SculpSure – truSculpt 3D!

Bottom Line: truSculpt Is Hands Down the Best Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Treatment in Hagerstown!

The truSculpt treatment is a non-invasive body contouring method that is extremely effective. This sensational treatment works by heating up targeted fatty areas and destroying fat cells.

You can expect up to a 24% reduction in fat, see results within one treatment, treat multiple areas in a single session, and go back to your normal life immediately after!

Where Do I Get truSculpt in Hagerstown?

Sold on truSculpt after learning about the best fat reduction treatments in Hagerstown? Look no further than Hagerstown Derm!

Contact us today at 240-469-4835 to schedule your consultation with one of our body sculpting experts, so you can look in the mirror confidently again.