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Here’s How to Find a Spider Vein Doctor in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, and What to Expect

Here’s How to Find a Spider Vein Doctor in Mercersburg

Spider veins, while not exactly pretty to look at, are typically not harmful. The good news is you don’t have to be a walking canvas for unsightly veins if you know how to find a qualified spider vein doctor in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania for treatments such as sclerotherapy

This informative guide will answer the most commonly asked questions about spider veins. You’ll also learn how to find the right doctor for you. 

What Exactly Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are nothing more than damaged blood vessels right below your skin. They are typically red, blue, or purple in color. In many cases, spider veins do not have any symptoms, though it’s not uncommon for patients to report burning, itching, or discomfort in the area. 

By themselves, spider veins are not usually dangerous. More often than not they are a cosmetic issue. However, they can be an early sign of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), which can be serious so they’re not something you should ignore. 

How Are Spider Veins Treated?

Your provider may advise you to practice some self-care at home if you. Keeping your legs elevated and exercising can be quite helpful. If you love a nice hot bath, keep enjoying them but minimize your tub time so you don’t soak for too long. 

If you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, be sure to get up and walk around at least every 30 minutes. Conversely, if you have a job that requires you to stand for long periods of time, you should take a break and sit every half hour. 

The most popular treatment used by healthcare professionals is sclerotherapy. This involves the use of injections to shrink spider veins and eventually cause them to disappear. 

What Happens During Sclerotherapy?

During this procedure, your provider will inject a chemical into the vein which causes irritation. The walls of the vein will stick together to prevent blood flow and ultimately improve your circulation. 

After the injections, the treatment site will be massaged and you’ll be given a compression garment to wear. While there is no downtime needed for recovery, you might have a few restrictions. Be sure to follow your provider’s aftercare instructions carefully.

Is Sclerotherapy Painful?

It can be uncomfortable, but most patients find it tolerable. You might feel a slight pinching sensation during the injections. It’s also possible to experience some discomfort from cramping immediately following treatment, but this goes away rather quickly on its own. 

When Will I See Sclerotherapy Results? How Long Do They Last?

It’s important you complete the treatment plan your provider puts in place to achieve optimal results. This means you might need a series of two to four procedures. 

When you see improvement really depends on the size of the veins. Smaller veins typically dissipate within three to six weeks. It can take anywhere from three to four months for larger veins to fade. 

Choosing a qualified spider vein doctor in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania or other type of specialist means you can enjoy the final outcome of sclerotherapy long term. 

How Do I Find the Right Spider Vein Doctor for Me?

It’s not difficult to find the right specialist, who may not even be a doctor but a nurse practitioner or other dermatology expert. There are some specific steps you should follow to help you choose, including the following: 



You should always choose a licensed medical professional for spider vein treatment. Vet their credentials to be sure their license is valid and that they have years of experience in diagnosing and treating this condition. 

Go ahead and interview them. Many patients find this task a bit daunting, but you shouldn’t. Ask about their background and how many successful treatments they’ve performed. Find out about any special certifications too. 



Do you know someone who has had treatment for spider veins? If so, ask them about their experience and who they recommend. 

You might want to also check with your primary healthcare provider for a referral. They should have the inside track on a spider vein doctor in your area.



Often, you can find these directly on a provider’s website. Another good place to look is on their social media pages and third-party review sites. 



This is usually the best way to choose a provider. An in-person spider vein treatment consultation can offer a lot of insight. It also allows you to ask questions. 

Before any procedure, whether cosmetic or medical, you need to have a health evaluation. Your provider needs to rule out any conditions that might make treatment unsafe for you. 

This meeting also allows them the opportunity to discuss all of your options, any side effects, potential risks, and reasonable expectations. This is necessary in order for you to make an informed decision. 

If You Are Looking for a Top-Notch Spider Vein Doctor in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, Call Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare Today!

We understand how embarrassing spider veins can be and encourage you to contact us at 240-469-4835 to book a consultation. Let’s have a conversation about your goals and discuss the best options for you.

Our team of licensed healthcare professionals is highly trained and experienced in the treatment of spider veins. 

For your convenience, we offer payment plans to ensure our services are accessible and affordable for all our patients. Stop hiding under long pants, and get ready to show off healthy legs!