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Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

If you’re considering laser hair removal (LHR) as a way to put an end to shaving, tweezing, and waxing, then there’s probably one very important question that you really need the answer to before you decide to get it – is laser hair removal painful?

Let’s discuss a bit more about what happens and uncover the truth.

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful? What Does it REALLY Feel Like?

As with any cosmetic procedures, there will likely be uncomfortable sensations and maybe even a bit painful. But, the pain is always tolerable and treatable, too.  In some instances, a numbing cream can be applied though it is not recommended for all parts of the body.

Many clients liken the sensation to a rubber band being snapped on the skin, but the level of pain will depend on the area being treated. Some clients describe it as feeling like a small pinch. Keep in mind areas that have thinner skin such as the upper lip and underarms will hurt slightly more than areas that have thicker skin.

Also, the level of discomfort you experience heavily depends on your level of tolerance but there are simple ways to prepare:

If you are still asking the question, “Is laser hair removal painful,” be sure to speak with your skin care professional about OTC pain relievers that are safe to take before and after your procedure.

Don’t Worry, You’ve Got This! It’s Time to Take the Next Step to Painless Laser Hair Removal!

Hagerstown Dermatology and Skin Care was founded with you in mind. Our team works hard to provide quality, customized care and lasting relationships with clients. If what you are seeking is experience and expertise when it comes to LHR to make it as pain-free as possible, call us today at 240-469-4835 to set up an appointment for beautiful, smooth skin.