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What Is Baby Botox? Does It Work?

What Is Baby Botox? Does It Work?

You love the way you look, but you are starting to notice slight signs of aging in places between your eyes and on your forehead.

You’re not ready for anything invasive but are definitely done with trying over-the-counter products that don’t work.

So, what is baby Botox, and does it work?

Tell Me the Fast Information on Botox

Botox is one of the safest and most requested cosmetic treatments in the United States.

It’s an injectable that temporarily blocks the signal between your muscles and nerves to smooth facial lines and wrinkles that are caused by expressions like frowning and laughing. Botox is a non-invasive and non-surgical anti-aging treatment.

Are My Facial Expressions Really Causing Wrinkles?

Unfortunately, yes, your facial expressions are responsible for a lot of the wrinkles appearing on your skin. Every time you do something like squint your eyes or furrow your eyebrows, you leave a small crease in your skin.

These creases turn to wrinkles over time.

What Is Baby Botox? How Can it Help?

The muscles in your face control your facial expressions, and while expressions are necessary to communicate our emotions, they don’t need to be so dynamic.

Baby Botox slightly blocks these muscle movements, in order to help your wrinkles relax and disappear.

What About Results With Baby Botox?

Baby Botox is the best way to prevent the signs of aging while you’re still young. It’s injected in much smaller amounts and much closer to the surface of your skin than traditional Botox injections.

Results look remarkably natural and last for a few months.

Let Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare Kick Your Wrinkles to the Curb With Cosmetic Injections!

What is baby Botox? Let us show you at Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare. You’re going to love the way you look, and injections only take a couple of minutes.

Call 240-469-4835 to request an appointment. If you’re ready to test out injections without breaking the bank, ask about financing for baby Botox in Hagerstown!