4 Tips From the Best Botox Provider in Frederick, Maryland to Make Your Injections Last Longer

Congratulations, you had Botox injections! There’s no wonder it’s one of America’s favorite cosmetic procedures.

Your fine lines and wrinkles have never looked smoother, and you love the way your face looks younger and more rejuvenated. Why not keep it going for as long as you can? Follow these 4 tips from the best Botox provider in Frederick, Maryland to make your injections last longer.

Can I Really Make Botox Last Longer?

Once Botox stops working, you can’t make it last longer, because it blocks communication between your nerves and muscles. This stops you from making expressions that cause fine lines and wrinkles. Your body is amazing at regenerating. Eventually, your muscles restore communication to your nerves and Botox wears off.

BUT – don’t worry! There are several ways to extend your Botox results.

  • Nail Your Skincare Routine

It’s always a good idea to have a killer skincare routine, because Botox wears best on healthy skin. Talk to your provider about what products are best for you, the best Botox provider in Frederick, Maryland should also be the best in dermatology too!

  • Say “No” to UV Rays After Botox in Frederick

Keep your Botox looking its best by wearing a high-quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen and by wearing items like hats and sunglasses. Always ditch the sun during peak hours and never use tanning beds.

  • Just Quit

Stop stress and smoking, two of the major causes of fine lines and wrinkles. Stop smoking as soon as possible, and practice habits like mediation and yoga to keep stress levels down.

  • Botox Plays Well With Others

Botox works well with other treatments, like dermal fillers. Talk to your provider about combination therapy and building a treatment plan to suit your individual needs for stunning results.

Come to Hagerstown Dermatology and Skincare for Excellent Results From the Best Botox Provider in Frederick, Maryland!

We have the best in Botox at Hagerstown Dermatology and Skincare. Our staff is 100% dedicated to providing you with the best looking skin you’ve ever had. Call us today at 240-469-4835, and ask about Botox and our other great services for age-defying beauty no matter how old you are!