An IPL photofacial is a highly effective treatment that reverses the signs of aging and creates a more even skin tone.

This FDA-approved skin rejuvenation option reduces the appearance of sun damage, acne scars, and age spots, and other concerns. If you want to learn more about the best IPL treatments in Frederick, you’ve come to the right place!

Q: Is a Photofacial Safe?

A: Yes, and it’s FDA approved. IPL is generally safe for all skin types and hasn’t been linked to any long-term side effects.

Q: Does IPL Hurt?

A: Before the best IPL treatments in Frederick, a numbing cream is applied. You will be given a pair of protective glasses to wear to protect your eyes from the bright light created by the device.

A handheld device is then gently pressed against the skin in the area you wish to treat. Afterward, a light moisturizer and sunscreen are applied to protect your skin and to encourage healing.

Q: What Is Recovery Like After an IPL Photofacial Treat?

A: The good news is that no downtime is necessary after a photofacial. The treated area may be dark, red, and feel similar to a sunburn, but don’t be alarmed. These symptoms typically subside within hours. Within a few weeks, your skin should be much healthier.

Q: Do I Qualify for IPL treatments?

A: Anyone dealing with unwanted skin concerns such as aging, acne, or scarring is likely a good candidate for an IPL photofacial. However, you need a consultation with an experienced provider to determine eligibility.

Q: Where Can I Make Sure I Get the Best IPL Treatments in Frederick

A: Actually, you’ll achieve the best results in nearby Hagerstown.

There’s no better time than now to fall in love with your skin, which you can do with treatments from Hagerstown Dermatology.

Call us today at 240-469-4835 to book your consultation, and be sure to ask about our current specials on cosmetic services for facial rejuvenation!