You already know that Botox is the most popular treatment for those lines that gather around the eyes, commonly known as crow’s feet or laugh lines. Laughed a bit too much? That’s okay.

This treatment can make quite a difference! If you are considering a treatment, you might be asking yourself, “Botox for crow’s feet – how long does it last?” We’re happy to answer your questions!

What Exactly Is Botox, and Does It Really Work?

Botox is a liquefied form of botulinum toxin type A. It is injected into the skin in targeted areas that are most susceptible to the signs of aging. It softens lines as well as plumps deeper wrinkles.

It works by blocking nerve signals from muscles and the brain to limit facial contractions. Once muscles stop contracting, this in turn reduces the appearance of wrinkles. 

When used to treat crow’s feet, Botox relaxes the muscles surrounding the eyes. You’ll notice smoother skin even when you laugh! It is a fast and straightforward treatment with dramatic results. 

Botox for Crow’s Feet – How Long Does It Last?

So, you’ve decided it’s probably right for you but still need to know Botox for crow’s feet – how long does it last. The incredible Botox results take a few days to show, but the great news results from Botox will last three to four months, potentially even longer.

So don’t be nervous about the needle. The truth is, it’s relatively painless, and because Botox has been used for decades, we know it’s safe!

Laughter Is Great for You, and Botox Is the Best for Laugh Lines!

Our team at Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare want to keep you laughing wrinkle free! Call us today at 240-469-4835, and let’s talk about the best way for you to get the smooth skin you desire.

Be sure to ask about our other cosmetic treatments to help you look your absolute best 24/7!