3 Things Men Should Know About CoolSculpting in Frederick, Maryland

Working out, eating right, but still can’t get rid of extra flab? CoolSculpting is helping men rid their bodies of unsightly bulges for a sleeker, attractive bod.

If you’re looking to firm up those tricky areas, here are three things men should know about the cosmetic treatment CoolSculpting in Frederick, Maryland.

CoolSculpting in Frederick, Maryland Is a Great Way For Men to Sculpt

CoolSculpting is a great way for men to slim the stubborn areas that aren’t going away with workouts. Sit back and relax during this non-invasive procedure, while high-tech cooling freezes your fat, eliminating rolls permanently. Sculpt the abdomen, upper back, neck, and more.

It Treats Man Boobs

If the chest area is your trouble spot, CoolSculpting successfully reduces man boobs, or gynecomastia. Because treatment is non-invasive, there is no downtime required. Results do require time though and typically become visible four weeks after treatment as the body rids itself of the treated fat.

What to Expect From CoolSculpting

Talk to a professional to see if CoolSculpting is right for your problem areas. The best candidates are healthy and have a small amount of excess fat to smooth out. Results are permanent as long as you continue with a healthy diet and lifestyle. 

Where Can I Get CoolSculpting in Frederick, Maryland?

Excited about the benefits of CoolSculpting for those difficult areas? The experts at Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare have experience using a similar, yet superior, technique known as truSculpt 3D to get slimmer, trimmer results. truSculpt 3D results are seen much sooner, after just one treatment.

And, you can treat up to four areas at the same time! It’s proven to reduce up to 24% of fat in treated areas. And, just like with CoolSculpting, truSculpt has no downtime afterward.

To find out if truSculpt 3D is right for you and to have all your questions answered, make an appointment for a free consultation. Call us today at 240-469-4835, and let our body sculpting experts show you how you can finally achieve your ideal physique with truSculpt.