Can I Drink Before Botox? What They Don’t Tell You Before Cosmetic Injections!

So, you’ve made the decision to beautify with Botox injections, but of course, you have questions. Can I drink before Botox? What about afterward? Our cosmetic injectors have the skinny on alcohol and comsetic injections.

Do they mesh well or not?

Can I Drink Before Botox, or Is It Best to Avoid Alcohol?

Bruising is a possibility with Botox in general, but a major way to make bruising less likely is by avoiding alcohol. Drinking alcohol can dry out your skin and make it more delicate before your procedure. This can both cause bruising and make your Botox recovery take longer than it would without alcohol.

Alcohol also thins your blood and widens blood vessels, which leaves you more vulnerable to bruising as well as swelling at the injection site. This is also why you should avoid any medications that can thin your blood both before and after your treatment. Make sure to talk to your injector about any medications you are on.

As you probably know, drinking can sometimes make you feel a bit dizzy or lightheaded. An occasional side effect of this cosmetic injectable is dizziness. Not drinking before Botox is also a good idea in case you feel dizzy and can’t distinguish between this being caused by your treatment or alcohol consumption earlier in the day.

Now That You Know Whether or Not You Can Drink Before Botox, Here’s the Bottom Line!

If you do drink in the week leading up to your treatment, it will likely not be harmful to you. But, it can reduce the appearance of your final results and prolong your recovery period. So, if possible, try to avoid alcohol for about seven days beforehand.

Can I Celebrate With Champagne After My Botox? And, Where Should I Go for Treatment?

For similar reasons that you should avoid drinking before Botox, you should also avoid drinking afterward. So, let that champagne chill for at least two days after your procedure to drink it.

Ready to book your Botox now that you know the answer to your question, “Can I drink before Botox?” Call our aesthetic professionals here at Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare today at 240-469-4835!

We pride ourselves at providing convenient and customized care, and we would love to discuss all of your cosmetic dermatology treatment options with you!