A new treatment called the HydraFacial changed my skin for the better, and it can change yours too!

I received the HydraFacial recently after seeing my friend’s gorgeous results and am now hooked for life.

What Is The HydraFacial?

The HydraFacial is basically a microdermabrasion treatment, a peel and hydrating mask all in one.

Basically, this HydraFacial decide applies targeting hydrating serums while simultaneously exfoliating and removing your dead skin.

Does the HydraFacial Hurt?

This was a huge selling point for me- there is no pain with the HydraFacial!

What Skin Issues Can Benefit from the HydraFacial?

One of the best-selling points of the HydraFacial is that it is really a beneficial treatment for any skin issue.

From acne and oily skin, to pigmentation issues or concerns about fine lines the revolutionary treatment can provide the boost your skin needs to get glowing again.

Although, it is important to note that if you have sunburn, an active rash or rosacea you may not be the ideal match for the HydraFacial.

My Results

After just one treatment I was able to see visible results from the HydraFacial.

One hour after my HydraFacial my skin was looking dewy and gorgeous.

While it important to note that my acne didn’t go away after one treatment, my pimples seemed to have deflated considerably.

Additionally, my skin feels amazing!

I finally have the soft, even tones, fresh skin I see in magazines.

Treatment Frequency

While my doctor recommends monthly treatments my schedule does not always permit for this.

My recommendation would be if you can’t do monthly visits at least schedule the HydraFacial before any big event (or hot date). You won’t regret it.

HydraFacial Changed My Skin: Hagerstown Dermatology

At Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare we love when our patients come in for a HydraFacial Treatment and have results such as this.

To learn more about the HydraFacial at Hagerstown Dermatology & Skincare visit our website today or call us to schedule your appointment at (240)469-4835.